Volunteer Search:
The Volunteer Search is a great way to establish the likelihood of being able to support a particular request for support without first having to complete a referral form and add an assignment.
Use the available options to simulate the requested support and conduct a search to return a list of potential volunteers.
Approved Volunteers:
A list of all current approved volunteers alongside an overview of support they are currently or have previously provided.
Host Homes:
A list of approved and in training Host Homes, their capacity and contact details of the lead contact (volunteer) within the household.
Family Friends:
A list of approved and in training Family Friends.
View Family Coaches:
A list of all Family Coaches
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________View Ministry Leads:
A list of all Ministry leads
Resource Exclusive:
A list of Resource Exclusive volunteers.
Inactive Volunteers:
A list of approved volunteers who are not currently supporting a family and a list of possible families that are looking for support.
The default for this list shows volunteers awaiting their first assignment but this can be filtered to show families that have not provided support within a selected time frame (i.e. in the last year).
Pending Recertification:
Volunteers that are due or approaching their recertification date.
Volunteer Birthdays:
A list of upcoming volunteer birthdays.
How Safe Families respond to upcoming birthdays is left to local discretion.
No Roles/Turned Off:
A list of volunteers who have been switched off or currently have no roles (HF,FF,RF) connected to their account.
Roles Removed:
A list of volunteers who have had their roles automatically removed by the database due to their recertification date having passed with no recorded application for renewal.
No Application Form:
A list of volunteers who are recorded as having expressed an interest in becoming either a Host Home or Family Friend but have no application form recorded against their account on the system.
Not Opted in to e-News
A list of volunteers who have not opted in to receive additional information from Safe Families.
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